Quasi Cells
I set myself the task of creating quasi ‘cells’ out of my plaster sculpture photoshoot from last year and my simulations in an attempt to mimic the formations, structure and sequencing of cell division and decay that I studied previously during my ink and water experimentation.
Having finalised all of the images I planned to use to create these outcomes, I set out to stack the simulations inside of my plaster sculptures due to the inherent nature and structure of these two groups of images. My primary process for creating these outcomes was to use the colour dodge tool on both the PNG and JPG versions of my simulations as this allowed for them to intermingle and overlap depending on the intensity of each image’s colour and the position they were placed in the layering. All of this was contained within the ‘cell wall’ of my plaster sculpture which I used a brightness/contrast adjustment layer on to tone down the exposure of the image due to the disparity in brightness between it and my simulations. I used further brightness/contrast adjustment layers throughout each image in order to highlight the areas on overlap whilst ensuring that an individual layer didn’t stand out and overpower the rest of the image as a whole.